Fast Forwarding Complete!

I’ll be sending tomorrow’s email from the 31 Days series shortly, but in case you’re in an even greater hurry, I’ve pasted it below for you. 🙂 

You have questions, and I have answers…or at least, links to answers. By now you should be working your way through the 31 Days of Eat Happy package and companion recipes.

For some initial insight to the real-food keto or low-carb lifestyle, here are some links to common questions and my most requested resources:

No-Sugar-No-Grains Starter Checklist

My Ultimate Eat Happy Shopping List

Here’s why you might find sugar in some of the sweets recipes in Eat Happy and Eat Happy Too (and also why I encourage you to avoid these recipes for your first 30-60 days).

Here’s why you won’t find nutritional info in my real-food cookbooks

Tomorrow I’ll be back with a special offer on downloadable PDF versions of my Eat Happy and Eat Happy Too cookbooks that you won’t want to miss!


