Are you ready to start cutting out processed sugars and grains but don’t know where to begin? Wanna help a friend or family member on the path to NSNG®? I got you, baby.
This is how I apply NSNG® to my own way of eating:
NSNG® the perfect foundation for the way I eat, and I individually tweak from there based on my set of circumstances.
For example, even though the majority of my audience eats dairy and eggs, I can’t tolerate dairy, so I avoid that, and I cycle on and off of eggs. I’m naturally in dietary ketosis 95% of the time because I avoid carby foods and also do Intermittent Fasting on the regs. I do me, and you gotta do you. One of the basics of this way of eating is that it’s extremely customizable, just start by cutting out the processed sugars and grains.
Intro to NSNG® and Eat Happy Checklist:
Download the Intro NSNG® e-book from Vinnie
This e-book is crucial. Vinnie sums up NSNG® and all its FAQs. It’s the What and the Why of NSNG®.
Grab copies of Eat Happy and Eat Happy Too
These are my cookbooks, and they are the How of NSNG®. The above links take you to Amazon, and you can get the books at Barnes and Noble or directly from the distributor ($25 plus media mail shipping). I’m also a huge fan of supporting local bookshops with the convenience of online shopping at IndieBound and Bookshop.
Download the 31 Days of Eat Happy Meals Plan
This meal plan covers 93 meals over 31 days. Options for days. Literally. Read the accompanying instructional PDF first. Use the day-planning template in it as well. And by all means, use the 4-Day Recipe Sampler that comes with it to see if you like the food (you will).
Download the Eat Happy Shopping List
This list of grocery store perishable and pantry staples will help you wrap your brain around what to put on your shopping list. It’s available at the above link in PDF or Excel format.
Watch Fat: A Documentary and it’s sequel Fat: 2
Vinnie Tortorich produced this with filmmaker Peter Pardini, and it’s another great educational tool that explains the history of how fat was maligned by Big Food in the interest of profiting off of processed foods, and what we can do to get back to eating real food again. Then watch the sequel.
Read why I don’t include nutritional info in my recipes
NSNG® has a specific philosophy behind it: to stop the diet mentality and live a healthy life physically, mentally, and emotionally. Oh, and eat real food. People ask why there isn’t any counting or nutritional info on recipes, and this is where I share why it’s one of my life’s missions to help break us away from diet mentality.
Follow my Pinterest for more recipe ideas, pins, boards and inspiration
Yes, I put pretty photos of my recipes on Pinterest, but there are so many other folks doing it too, why not go see the numerous boards I’ve curated for your inspiration.
Join The Eat Happy Facebook Group and Follow Real Anna Vocino on Facebook
The Eat Happy Facebook Group is where people who love to cook NSNG® food go to ask and answer questions, share ideas and inspiration, post pics of Eat Happy creations as well as their own, and give all around support to folks who are getting their butts in the kitchen. My Anna Vocino page on Facebook is where I do live cooking demos at least once a month, so follow there to get notified.
Follow my Instagram account where I post ALL my recipe development in my stories
Instagram is the social where I spend the most time. I like the interface, I like pretty pictures, and most importantly, you will see me develop recipes in real time just about every single day. Also, it’s my favorite to see what you all make on your IG stories and tag me. I love to repost and support the community.
Anna Vocino Cooking Videos on YouTube
I know, I mentioning a lot of places where you can find me on socials. If you are not inspired by the above, spend a few minutes watching cooking videos, and you’ll get that Instacart order going in time for dinner.
I signed up for the recipes but cannot get them.
Hi Barb-
I searched for your email all throughout mailchimp, and it shows no record of you signing up. Easiest way to sign up is to go to the 31 Days of Meals blog post, scroll to the bottom and sign up there. It will immediately take you to a landing page to download the recipes and Meal Plan, plus you will receive an email with the download links as well.
Hi Anna,
Your cookbooks get a lot of action in our house. My big question is, is there a cheat sheet somewhere with carb counts on vegetables?
I love veggies and I find it too left brain to figure out my ratios since I assume it isn’t by volume. Don’t get me wrong, I can do protein all day any day… Sadly, I may need to ease up on some of my cheese action, but I’d rather start by clocking my carbs correctly.
Hi Mia!
Check out this link to explain why I don’t count carbs or calculate macros/ratios (it’s an NSNG thing):https://annavocino.com/reader-question-anna-i-want-nutritional-info/
And yes, it’s most likely dairy and nuts that impede weight loss, not veggies…but just experiment!
Hi Anna,
I am transitioning my whole family (me first) to NSNG. Your recipes look amazing. Just wondering if you have any tips on prepping vegetables or herb mixes ahead of time or meals that you can start ahead. Thanks!
I always wash my lettuce and lay it on a clean kitchen towel, then roll it up and store it in the fridge. But pretty much every other veggie I keep whole until it’s time to prep it. The more you prepare fresh food, the quicker you’ll get at prepping. You got this!
My husband and I are trying the diet . We are in our 60s . My husband has to have a salty crunchy snack now and then. We were eating skinny popcorn and corn nuts for that. Is that allowed and if not what can we substitute besides nuts?
Hey Donna-
Popcorn and corn nuts (which are made from corn and are highly processed) are grains and would not be advisable to eat as snacks. Not to mention the nasty seed oils used in processing these snacks–very inflammatory and to be avoided as much as possible. You can eat regular nuts, just don’t over do it, and toast them yourselves (I have some great toasted almond recipes on this site and in my books). Or make the Almond Flour Pita chips in the first book and the Rosemary Thyme Crackers in the second book. But like most things, you have to do them in moderation!
I will also bring this up while recording with Vinnie soon so that we can go into more detail.
Thanks so much, and you got this!
Hello! I signed up for the recipes as well and did not receive them.
Hi Ben-
When you sign up for the 31 Days of Meals and 4-Day Recipe PDFs, the sign up automatically opens a new browser window where you can download the PDFs. It also sends you an email with the download link for all the bonus content, so make sure to check your spam folder. Hope this helps and welcome to the wonderful world of Eat Happy! 😉
Hi Anna,
I’m wondering if seeds – chia in particular – are NSNG. I know to stay away from seed oils, but what about the seeds themselves?
Thank you!
seeds are fine. seed oils are toxic refined oils. seeds like sunflower, sesame, chia, flax, etc are the good kind of omega 6. Those are the ones making us sick. Canola oil, cottonseed, safflower, etc are the highly refined oils ready to cause inflammation. hope this helps!
I have tried to sign up for your “31 Days…” twice. Then a third time, since I remembered I block pop-ups. Each time, I receive the same message:
Thank you for subscribing, you’re in!
Please check your email for the promised goodies…they’ll be there shortly!
Back to Previous Page
The first attempt was yesterday. Would you mind checking to see if you can tell what I’m doing wrong? Thank you.
Hi Grace-
When you sign up, the site takes you to the download page, plus you receive an email with download instructions and a confirmation as well. But yes, if you have pop-ups blocked, it might prevent it from working.
Also, in looking on the back end, it says you signed up on 8/24, so hopefully you can check the spam/junk folder and find your goodies! if not, email me and I’ll send you the download link!
Hi Anna,
My kids love zucchini bread. My husband and I are NSNG and I am working on getting my kids fully NSNG as well. We have tons of zucchini from our garden and they are begging for zucchini bread. I would like to be able to make them a heathier zucchini bread than recipe I have. Thank you, Erin
Hey Erin!
I have done so many zucchini recipes, but not zucchini bread yet. I’ll start experimenting!
Hello, And Help! I don’t want or need to lose weight, I need to GAIN weight and I can’t. I’m 68 years old, 6′ tall and weight about 135 lbs. The last few years, when I stopped eating grains and sugar I’ve lost all the weight I want to lose. I used to weigh 170 my whole life, I was never fat, I just wanted to get healthier. Now I lost all my fat and it’s starting to take away muscle – and I can’t gain muscle no matter what I do. A main problem is I have migraines (vestibular migraines) and so many good foods are migraine triggers including avocados, pork, eggs, butter and other dairy, coconut products, bacon… anything with nitrates, nitrites and other amino acids are migraine triggers. No one ever talks about this. You, Vinnie T. etc. I need help or I will be down to 100 lbs soon and probably die. Thanks for listening/reading. If you can suggest anything I would sincerely appreciate it. Tom Kolaz
Hey Tom! Thanks for swinging by the site! I will put this on my list of questions to ask Vinnie on the Monday show, thank you! You’d be surprised how many people ask about gaining weight, and if you search Vinnie’s instagram, he addressed it recently in a video.
As for the migraines, definitely consult with your doc and even consider a functional medicine doc. My daughter had migraines and then found out through a functional medicine doc that the root of it was thyroid dysfunction. The migraine experts were no help, sadly. It took someone looking for more root causes. Now that she treats her thyroid auto-immune (managed through diet and supplementation), she hasn’t had a migraine in years. I only tell this story to hopefully help encourage you to not stop until you get some answers. Migraines are the worst, and I’m so sorry you have to deal with those! and you are correct, we don’t want you wasting away to 100 lbs as we need you at full strength!!
I love this starter NSNG® and Eat Happy Checklist! It’s so helpful to have all of the information in one place.
Love the NSNG, Vinnie and Anna. Right now reading Fitness Confidential. I do well with eating programs but need to go down the fitness/workout route. Just need to start with walking first. Glad our Florida weather is getting cooler.