As always, we do these Clubcasts every Monday live from 5-6pm pacific time. Get the app downloaded and post in the Eat Happy Kitchen Facebook group if you need an invite. Make sure you find and join the Eat Happy Kitchen club on Clubhouse so you are able to join the conversation.
This week’s clubhouse goes DEEP into cholesterol! And why on earth not, I say.
Topics covered:
- Diverticulitis and managing gut health
- Circadian rhythms and changing your eating times (recommended books: Circadian Code and Change Your Schedule, Change Your Life)
- Room 8 Riverside, CA Kitty rescue!!
- Ideas when cholesterol results come back high, Dave Feldman, and being a Lean Mass Hyper Responder
- Explanation of Cholesterol and why there’s so much confusion
- What cholesterol result means you’re insulin resistant?
- Bad effects of statins/hyperresponders
- Getting a Calcium Score Test
- Cholesterol Clarity is a great book
- Mark Thomson talks about his at home kettlebell workout, plus Pavel Tsatsouline’s videos on YouTube
- Listen to Phil Maffetone on Vinnie’s Friday show
- Concept 2 BikeErg and the Zwift App
And of course, here’s a computer generated transcript if you wanna read all about it:
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